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Board Committees

Board Committees

The principal committees established by the directors are:

Audit and Risk Committee

M L Smith (Chair) and A K Eastgate are members of the Audit and Risk Committee. The committee provides effective governance around financial reporting and ensures the integrity of its financial statements. The committee reviews the appropriate accounting policies, monitors internal financial controls, looks at financial risk management and monitors the performance of the external auditor.

Remuneration Committee

A K Eastgate (Chair) and M L Smith are members of the Remuneration Committee. The committee ensures that a policy exists for the remuneration of the executive directors that is fair, attracts key executives and rewards progress against the group's business strategy.

Nomination Committee

A K Eastgate (Chair) and M L Smith are members of the Remuneration Committee. The committee is responsible for evaluating the composition of the board and the committees. The committee looks closely at succession planning for executive and non-executive directors and senior management.